Adult learning in a distance education context: theoretical and methodological challenges

University of Glasgow
St. Andrew's Building
Eldon St.,
Glasgow G3 6NH
United Kingdom
Tuesday, 18 June, 2013 - 13:30


The seminar reports the findings of a recent research study aspiring  to unveil and illuminate some of the adult learning processes as well as the ‘fine-grained’ processes that are at work during the organization and delivery of the courses at the Open University, with the aim to underline the factors influencing these processes.  It has as its main units of analysis adult learners’ and their educators’ experiences and perceptions of adult learning in a distance education context and rests profoundly on a research framework that views certain programme elements as being vital in unveiling the processes of adult learning. It harnesses a phenomenological approach and qualitative research techniques. From the study a number of important dimensions emerged and factors that proved to have influenced adult learning processes.

(see attached flyer for full details)


Discussion topics: 

PDF icon Gravani Flyer - March 2013.pdf303.48 KB
