On Monday, 24th February, Glasgow celebrated a significant achievement in its journey as a thriving learning city with a special reception marking the receipt of a prestigious UNESCO City of Lifelong Learning Award. The event, hosted by the Rt Hon The Lord Provost, Councillor Jacqueline McClaren took place at Glasgow City Chambers on behalf of Glasgow City Council, with support from the Strategic Support Services Team of Education Services.
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We are very pleased to be able to publish the latest Briefing Paper from our sister organisation, the PASCAL Observatory. This is Briefing Paper 30 of the observatory and concerns the role of Aesthetic Education in developing Learning Cities, a key focus of PASCAL's work. Amongst the co-authors are a number of University of Glasgow staff members, current, honorary and emeritus (Jim Conroy, Catherine Lido, Maggie McColl, Rob Mark and Mike Osborne), some also members of CR&DALL.
The latest issue of the European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults is available online:
This issue includes seven articls on a range of topics, from adult education, democracy and totalitarianism to drop-out rates among volunteer fire-fighters.
We are delighted to be able to share a report by Ralph St. Clair of the University of Victoria, Canada:
Maximising Mobility: Qualification Frameworks as a Strategy to Support Adult Learners
CRADALL Director Anna Wilson gave the opening presentation at the recent Climate Horizon 2040 conference, arguing for the central role of adult, lifelong and community learning in responding to climate change in Scotland.
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