Forthcoming seminars on Community Development: November 2014 to May 2015


The following seminars to be held at the University of Glasgow will be of interest to academics, policy makers and practictioners from a variety of areas including community development, youth work, adult education, housing and regneration.

For further details on all events contact: sends e-mail) sends e-mail)


Lunchtime Seminars 12.30 to 1.45

Tuesday 25th November, Tricia McConologue from Bridging the Gap,

Speaking on Anti Poverty Strategies

Room 519 St Andrews Building


Tuesday 2nd December, Geoff Fagan from CADISPA

Speaking on Place Based Research and Community Development

Room 519 St Andrews Building


Tuesday 9th December, Leah Middleton from Flourish House

Speaking on Empowering Practice and the Club House Model

Room 519 St Andrews Building


Tuesday 17th March, Professor Bryan Haines from the University of Kentucky

Speaking on Community Leadership: Lessons from the USA

Room tbc


Day Seminars

Friday 20th February, 10.00 to 4.00

Radical Community Work 1: What it is and how do we make it happen?

(with the University of Dundee and Radical Community Work Journal)

Places are free but email Rod Purcell to book   


Thursday 28th May, 10.00 to 4.00

Radical Community Work 2: Progress meeting and planning for the future

Please note this seminar will take place at the University of Dundee details tbc


Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March

International Community Dynamics: Political Explorations

(in collaboration with the University of Kentucky)

For an invitation to this seminar please contact Dave Beck

Discussion topics: 
