SFA Newsletter - May 2020 Edition | COVID-19


The Sustainable Futures in Africa team is pleased to share with you, our dear network members, partners, institutions and communities, our latest newsletter for May 2020. We hope it will find you well during these challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought about unprecedented changes in the way we work and communicate.

In this edition of the Sustainable Futures Futures in Africa Network, you'll find information about: 

  • TOGETHER - SFA Short Video in response to the pandemic
  • Hubs updates and initiatives to address COVID-19 challenges
  • Project Development and Submitted Funding Applications
  • SFA members' Publications, Presentations, and Resources
  • New SFA members
  • Funding and engagement opportunities
  • Etc. 

Keep safe and stay well!


SFA Network - Newsletter

The Sustainable Futures in Africa team is pleased to share with you, our dear network members, partners, institutions and communities, our latest newsletter for May 2020. We hope it will fi…

May 31st, 2020





Nike shoes | Footwear

Discussion topics: 

CR&DALL Themes: 

PDF icon sfa_network_-_newsletter-may2020.pdf1.37 MB
