I wish to draw to the attention of CR&DALL subscribers MOJA Adult Education in Africa, which is an online resource for adult learning and education professionals and practitioners in the public sector, private sector, civil society and academia in Africa. It sends out a Newsletter regularly to which anyone can subscribe.
Latest News & Events
On 13th ;March 2024, representatives coming from countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe met in Brussels to inform each other on progress that had been made in recent years on developments in lifelong learning, and especially in the field of adult education. Participants came from governments, civil society and academia.
In June 2022 the Marrakech Framework for Action (MFA) was discussed and adopted by adult educators from around the globe at CONFINTEA VII under the leadership of UNESCO. On 11th April the Coalition of Lifelong Learning Organisations (COLLO) and the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) are holding a webinar to reflect about the potentials of implementing the MFA.
I wish to extend a special invitation to CR&DALL subscribers to consider participating in the upcoming British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference which I am helping to organise. It will take place here in Glasgow from September 11th to 13th, 2024.
This is a special year for for the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA); we turn 50. This is reflected in our theme as we discuss 'Education in a Fragile World: Past, Present, Future' at the University of Dundee from the 27th -29th November 2024. For further details please follow this link, where you will find a call for papers.
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