June 2024 MOJA Newsletter - Adult Education Africa

June 2024 MOJA Newsletter - Adult Education Africa

Welcome to the June MOJA Newsletter. Depending on where you are on the continent, it’s either starting to get hot or cold. Partners continued to surprise us in June, sharing amazing examples of ongoing adult education efforts. Encouragingly, we have seen a lot of movement in regard to policies and strategies, with the introduction of new legislation in Malawi, Uganda and Tanzania – highlighting civil society’s work in partnership with government for the expansion of adult education. MOJA continues to grow with new features, such as our Country Profile section – standby for the addition of a new country in July. We encourage organisations from across Africa to reach out to us and send us information about you and your work so we that can add you to our Organisations page. Also coming in July – Issue 2 of the MOJA Journal of Adult Education.



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