Recent CR&DALL Projects

This section covers recent CR&DALL work which is now closed.


Supporting and Developing the Curriculum: Curriculum Mapping and Assessment Blueprinting

The Developing and Supporting the Curriculum (DSC) Steering Group, has commissioned a project on the Curriculum for Excellence and its impact on universities.  The project is being undertaken as a research study, focusing on the impact of the Curriculum for Excellence pedagogical changes for universities, from the perspectives of schools, colleges and universities. The study will research, and contribute towards, the development of a sustainable and productive dialogue between schools, colleges and HEIs, with the involvement of a wide range of cross-sector agencies and organisations, on the

BAGRu: Job relevant basic skills concepts and tools for groups facing particular challenges at the labour market

The project aimed at developing and implementing concepts and instruments that focus on orientation towards learners’ actual life situations and characteristics of the labour market. The overall objective was integrating groups facing particular challenges at the labour market into education, training and employment.  Partners include BBB Germany, BEST Germany, Folkuniversitetet Kristianstad, Papilot – Instiute Zavod za vzpodbujanje in razvijanje kvalitete ž ivljenja, Wyzsza Szkola Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi and IRFA Sud. PI: Ralf St Clair


LLL Programme - KA4 DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS (Transversal Programme) - Partners as follows: Universus – CSEI, Bari; Lernende Regionen Deutschland e.V.; University of Pecs 

Higher Education and Innovation

An EC DG EAC funded project with LSE Associates and Research voor Belied (Mike Osborne with PASCAL associates including Professors Chris Duke and Dr Fumi Kitagawa)

The overall aim of the study will be to contribute to the better understanding of recent developments affecting higher education and offer evidence on how innovation can support higher education in times of change.  Specific objectives are identified as follows:

The making of the 'precariat': unemployment, insecurity and work-poor young adults in harsh economic conditions

This project is funded under the Secondary Data Analysis Initiative of the ESRC. Together with colleagues at the Centre for Labour Market Studies at the University of Leciester (John Goodwin, Henrietta O'Connor and Sarah Hadfield) we are focusing on unemployment, underemployment and precarious work among young people. The project involves secondary analysis of two projects carried out in the 1980s which are compared with contemporary data from a national survey, Understanding Society. The project commences in February 2013.

Andy Furlong, Stuart Hall and Kevin Lowden
