The project aimed at developing and implementing concepts and instruments that focus on orientation towards learners’ actual life situations and characteristics of the labour market. The overall objective was integrating groups facing particular challenges at the labour market into education, training and employment. Partners include BBB Germany, BEST Germany, Folkuniversitetet Kristianstad, Papilot – Instiute Zavod za vzpodbujanje in razvijanje kvalitete ž ivljenja, Wyzsza Szkola Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi and IRFA Sud. PI: Ralf St Clair
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The EC has supported projects and programmes to create learning regions, notably the R3L programme, TELS, LILLIPUT, INDICATORS, PALLACE, LILARA, PENR3L and others. All this effort has produced data, tools, indicators, reports, videos, projects, recommendations, plans, strategies and learning materials - a wealth of potentially valuable knowledge for EU regions that urgently needs to be brought together in one place and made available to them. In EUROlocal, PENR3L , a network created by an EC project to spread the learning region message, led other networks in gathering together all European knowledge and practice in this area from all sources across all sectors and countries, test the tools, find the best practice, dynamically organise it in an interactive website, produce learning materials, and actively disseminate and exploit it to effect a transformation of Europe's regions. The impact this would have on regional economies and social well-being is huge. GU staff: Lynnette Jordan, Robert Hamilton and Mike Osborne
Asics footwear | Nike AIR FORCE 1 KSA (GS) "WHITE" , DB2813-100 , Ietp STORELLL Programme - GRUNDTVIG Multilateral project - Partners as follows: p&w praxis und wissenschaft projekt gmbh (co-ordinator); Lernende Regionen Deutschland e.V.; CITY Conversity AB (Sweden); University of Pecs; Kaunas University of Technology; Observator pentru Dezvoltarea Invatari (Romania); Nexus Europe (IRL) Ltd. (Ireland)
The project capitalised on good practice found in Learning Regions, and further developed a common set of quality methods and instruments to ensure the development, assurance and improvement of quality of learning networks in compliance with the Common Quality Assurance Framework. From the project results the partners derived a handbook, best practice guide and training module for managers and stakeholders of learning regions, which allows for the effective planning, implementation, evaluation and review of co-operation among educational providers within Learning regions. GU Staff: Mike Osborne and Muir Houston
affiliate link trace | Nike - Shoes & Sportswear ClothingFunder : A Support Project of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in Africa, at the Association of African Universities (AAU), Accra .
ITMUA is an Associated Project for African beneficiaries, which was supported by CR&DALL through the making available of our resources. The ITMUA project grew out of earlier partnership activities with the University of Glasgow and specifically from the ITMUA universities’ membership of PASCAL and our own third mission project PURE (Pascal Universities and Regional Engagement). Project Leader: Professor Julia Preece, National University of Lesotho (and Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow ) Other participating institutions and their lead contacts: University of Calabar, Nigeria (Professor Idowu Biao); University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana (Dr Wapula N Raditloaneng); University of Malawi, Chancellor College , Zomba: Dr Dorothy Nampota
Sports Shoes | adidas Campus 80s South Park Towelie - GZ9177This project addresses the international development and the indigenous learning needs of the Palestinian people. LLIP therefore involves:
It has intention and planning as collaborative exercises mediated through all sorts of learning organizations, which includes schools, colleges and universities with different sorts of learning organization and employment constituting both regional and global partners. The aim of Lifelong Learning in Palestine is to facilitate Palestine’s emergence as a learning society where tradition and culture come together in a dynamic knowledge-based society.
The project seeks to develop Lifelong Learning as a collaborative project in Palestine. It aims to develop Lifelong Learning provision in formal and informal networks across the West Bank and Gaza, linking the work of universities to centres outside of the university in civil society. Seminars and workshops will develop pedagogic partnerships in different settings, facilitating a wide arrangement of adult learning right across Palestinian society. Palestinian institutions will link innovative work in Lifelong Learning to different regions in Europe and the Arab world. PI: Keith Hammond, Co-PIs Alison Phipps, Rebecca Kay and Mike Osborne)
Partners: University of Malta, St Mary’s University College London, University of Maynooth, University of Birzeit, University of Al Quds, Bethlehem University and The Islamic University of Gaza.
jordan Sneakers | Nike Off-WhitePUMR is an ongoing and developing programme undertaken by the PASCAL Obseratory and operated through CR&DALL from the University of Glasgow. It focusses on college and university clients who commit to using the best principles of social capital, place management, and life-long learning to inspire and sustain strategic partnerships with policy makers, professional practitioners (both public and private), businesses and communities in their regions to secure improvement to regional competitiveness and the quality of life for all residents.
PIs: Lesley Doyle (Business Manager) and James Powell (Academic Director).
Best Authentic Sneakers | Women's Nike nike dunk high lace length hair color trainers - Latest Releases , IetpA PASCAL International Observatory project, but with synergies with CRADALL work. The Universities of Auckland, Glasgow and Melbourne have been funded to establish an interest group of academics within the fields of Lifelong Learning, Regional Development and cognate disciplines to share strategic vision, best practice and engage in benchmarking activities. The focus is on effective knowledge transfer, 3rd mission activities, and other engagements that contribute to regional development and to the success of our institutions.
This work builds on the work of PURE above. In addition to the proposing universities, interest in involvement has already been expressed by a number of other U21 universities and other HEIs. The most recent event was a workshop in Glasgow on 14/15 May 2012. PIs: Mike Osborne and Susan Geerthuis (Auckland)
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Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL)
University of Glasgow, St. Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow G3 6NH, Scotland
tel: +44 (0) 141 330 1835
email: [email protected]
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