Main profile
Summary biography:
Margaret's research interests revolve around inclusive education and the experiences of young people in schools. In particular she is interested in how the current international focus on early years education allows for the development of abilities in young children. Her research involves working across Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools. As Director of SNAP her work is based on a broadened conception of ability rather than on labelling children. She is interested in the role of the teacher, and teacher beliefs in changing practice in the belief that a fine-grained understanding of teachers’ attitudes is crucial if we are to bridge the disjunction between research, policy and practice. She is interested in social justice and issues relating to poverty and disability and the role of formal and non-formal education in creating a more just society.
Research Collaborations
Inclusion in Developing Countries, Dr Frida Tungaraza, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, East Africa.
Education of Gifted Students: gifted children and youth from backgrounds of disadvantage (low socio-economic status, cultural minority status, and rural and isolated contexts); Dr Niamh Stack, University of Glasgow; Professor Peter Merrotsy, University of Western Australia.
Margaret Sutherland is a Professor of Education focusing on Inclusive Education and has specialised in Additional Support Needs. She has been Programme Leader for the Masters in Inclusive Education and the Certificate/Diploma in Support for Learning/Special Educational Needs. She is also Director of the Scottish Network for Able Pupils (SNAP) and was for some years, Depute Director of the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL). Margaret is a member of the Glasgow Centre for International Development and Director of Post-graduate Research in the School of Education
Staff Profile
Margaret's research interests revolve around inclusive education and the experiences of young people in schools. In particular she is interested in how the current international focus on early years education allows for the development of abilities in young children. Her research involves working across Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools. As Director of SNAP her work is based on a broadened conception of ability rather than on labelling children. She is interested in the role of the teacher, and teacher beliefs in changing practice in the belief that a fine-grained understanding of teachers’ attitudes is crucial if we are to bridge the disjunction between research, policy and practice. She is interested in social justice and issues relating to poverty and disability and the role of formal and non-formal education in creating a more just society.
Her research collaborations include the following:
Inclusion in Developing Countries, Dr Frida Tungaraza, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, East Africa.
Education of Gifted Students: gifted children and youth from backgrounds of disadvantage (low socio-economic status, cultural minority status, and rural and isolated contexts); Dr Niamh Stack, University of Glasgow; Professor Peter Merrotsy, University of Western Australia.
Margaret Sutherland is a Professor of Education focusing on Inclusive Education and has specialised in Additional Support Needs. She has been Programme Leader for the Masters in Inclusive Education and the Certificate/Diploma in Support for Learning/Special Educational Needs. She is also Director of the Scottish Network for Able Pupils (SNAP) and was for some years, Depute Director of the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL). Margaret is a member of the Glasgow Centre for International Development and Director of Post-graduate Research in the School of Education.
Selected Publications:
Sutherland, M. , Head, G., McCulloch, M. and Stack, N. (2017) Scotland. In: Wehmeyer, M. L. and Patton, J. R. (eds.) The Praeger International Handbook of Special Education. Praeger. ISBN 9781440831133 (In Press)
Sutherland, M. , Smith, T. A., Tungaraza, F. and Stack, N. (2017)Navigating the shifting terrain between policy and practice for gifted learners in Tanzania. In: Sumida, M. and Taber, K. S. (eds.)Policy and Practice in Science Education for the Gifted: Approaches from Diverse National Contexts. Series: Routledge research in achievement and gifted education. Routledge. ISBN 9780415737418
Stack, N., Sutherland, M. , Smith, T.A. and Tungaraza, F. (2016)Creating a space and place for diverse learners in multifarious contexts. In: Taber, K.S. and Sumida, M. (eds.) International Perspectives on Science Education for the Gifted: Key Issues and Challenges. Series: Routledge research in achievement and gifted education (1). Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415737401
Head, G., Jaap, A. and Sutherland, M. (2015) Inclusive Pedagogy: A Contribution From Two Unrelated Empirical Studies. In: ECER, Budapest, Hungary, 7-11 Sep 2015, (Unpublished)
Barrett, L., Beaton, M., Head, G., McAuliffe, L., Moscardini, L., Spratt, J. and Sutherland, M. (2015) Developing inclusive practice in Scotland: the National Framework for Inclusion. Pastoral Care in Education, 33(3), pp. 180-187.(doi:10.1080/02643944.2015.1070896)
Head, G., Neil, K., Jaap, A., Sutherland, M. , Kennedy, F. and Dunn, S.(2015) Talent Development: Learning From Cross Sectoral Research. Project Report. Creative Scotland. (Unpublished)
Oh, H., Sutherland, M., Stack, N., Badia, M., Blumen, S., Nguyen Quoc, A.-T., Wormald, C., Maakrun, J. and Ziegler, A. (2015) A cross-cultural study of possible iatrogenic effects of gifted education programs: tenth grader’s perceptions of academically high-performing classmates. High Ability Studies, 26(1), pp. 152-166.(doi:10.1080/13598139.2015.1044080)
Sutherland, M. (2015) Review of Stephen, M. (2015) 'Educating the More Able Student: what works and why'. Scottish Educational Review, 47(2), pp. 128-131. [Book Review]
Sutherland, M. (2014) Indigenous and western knowledge: uneasy bedfellows in an interdependent world? In: Inman, P. and Robinson, D. (eds.) University engagement and environmental sustainability. Series: Universities and lifelong learning. Manchester University Press: Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780719091629
Händel, M., Duan, X., Sutherland, M. and Ziegler, A. (2014)Successful in science education and still popular: a pattern that is possible in china rather than in Germany or Russia.International Journal of Science Education, 36(6), pp. 887-907.(doi:10.1080/09500693.2013.830232)
Oh, H. et al. (2014) A cross-national comparison of school students’ perceptions regarding high performing peers. Turkish Journal of Giftedness and Education, 4(1), pp. 10-23.
Stack, N. and Sutherland, M. (2014) Seeing beyond statistics: examining the potential for disjuncture between legislation, policy and practice in meeting the needs of highly able Scottish student. Psihološka obzorja, 23, pp. 145-154.
Sutherland, M. and Stack, N. (2014) Ability as an additional support need: Scotland’s inclusive approach to gifted education.Centre for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 4(3), pp. 73-87.
Sutherland, M. and Stack, N. (2014) Creating challenge in the classroom. In: Carroll, M. and McCulloch, M. (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. SAGE: London. ISBN 9781446254820
Ziegler, A., Liu, Q., Wimmer, B and Sutherland, M. (2013) Excellence Among Older People: A Resource-Oriented Approach in Talent Development & Excellence Vol. 5, No. 1, 2013, 35–50
Ziegler, A. Händel, M. and Sutherland, M. (2013) Successful in Science and Still Popular: A Possibility in China but not in Germany or Russia in International Journal of Science Education
Sutherland, M. (2013) Opening Disciplinary Conversations: Expanding Gifted Education in the Early Years in European Council for High Ability Conference Proceedings
Sutherland, M. (2013) Indigenous and Western Knowledge: Uneasy Bedfellows in an Interdependent World? In Inman, P. And Robinson, D. University Engagement and Environmental Sustainability England:Manchester Open University Press
Sutherland, M. (2013) Paradigmatic shift or tinkering at the edges? High Ability Studies, 23 (1). ISSN 1359-8139 (In Press)
Bailey, R., Pearce, G., Smith, C., Sutherland, M., Stack, N., Winstanley, C., and Dickenson, M. (2012) Improving the educational achievement of gifted and talented students: a systematic review. Talent Development and Excellence, 4 (1). pp. 33-48. ISSN 1869-0459
Sutherland, M. (2011) Highly able pupils in Scotland: making a curriculum change count. Journal of the Institute for Educational Research [Russia], 43 (2).
Sutherland, M. (2011) The early years educator: a key contributor to effective practice for highly able young children. TalentEd, 27 . pp. 1-11. ISSN 0815-8150
Smith, C., and Sutherland, M.J. (2006) Setting or mixed ability?: pupils' views of the organisational arrangement in their school. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 6 (2). pp. 69-75. ISSN 1471-3802 (doi:10.1111/j.1471-3802.2006.00061.x)
Tungaraza, F., and Sutherland, M. (2005) Capturing the minds of a lost and lonely generation. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 15 (2). pp. 187-198. ISSN 0957-7572 (doi:10.1007/s10798-005-8279-z)
Sutherland, M., Smith, C., and McLean, A. (2004) A model for motivation. Scottish Educational Review, 36 (1). pp. 79-88. ISSN 0141-9072
Smith, C.M.M., and Sutherland, Margaret (2003) Creating a community of teacher-learners. Journal of In-service Education, 29 (3). pp. 423-437. ISSN 1367-4587
Smith, C.M.M., and Sutherland, M.J. (2003) Setting or mixed ability? Teachers' views of the organisation of pupils for learning. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 3 (3). pp. 141-146. ISSN 1471-3802 (doi:10.1111/1471-3802.00008)
Sutherland, M.J. (2003) Identification of More Able Pupils: a pilot survey of Scottish Schools. Gifted Education International, 18 (2). pp. 209-217. ISSN 0261-4294
Sutherland, M.J. (2003) Young Able Children: Parent's Perspectives. Gifted Education International, 18 (2). pp. 218-226. ISSN 0261-4294
Sutherland, M. (2012) Gifted and Talented in the Early Years: A Practical Guide for 3-6 Year Olds [2nd Edition]. SAGE, London.
Sutherland, M. (2008) Developing the Gifted and Talented Young Learner. Sage, London. ISBN 9781412946322
Book Section
Sutherland, M. (2013) Indigenous and western knowledge: uneasy bedfellows in an interdependent world? In: Inman, P. and Robinson, D. (eds.) Universities and Environmental Sustainability: Grounding Knowledge. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK. (In Press)
Sutherland, M., and Stack, N. (2013) Creating challenge in the classroom. In: Carroll, M. and McCulloch, M. (eds.) Understanding Learning and Teaching in Primary Education. SAGE, London. (In Press)
Stack, N., and Sutherland, M. (2011) Gifted and Talented Pupils. In: McMahon, M., Forde, C. and Martin, M. (eds.) Contemporary Issues in Learning and Teaching. Sage Publications, London. ISBN 9781849201285
Sutherland, M. (2006) The early years setting: an inclusive framework. In: Smith, C.M.M. (ed.) Including the Gifted and Talented. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415361095
Research Report or Paper
Sutherland, M., and Stack, N. (2009) High Ability in the Early Years. Project Report. Scottish Network for Able Pupils, Glasgow, UK.
Sutherland, M., Stack, N., and Smith, C. (2009) Guidance for addressing the needs of highly able pupils. Manual. Scottish Network for Able Pupils, Glasgow, UK.
Bailey, R., Pearce, G., Winstanley, C., Sutherland, M., Smith, C., Stack, N., and Dickenson, M. (2008) A systematic review of interventions aimed at improving the educational achievement of pupils identified as gifted and talented. Project Report. EPPI-Centre, London, UK.
Conference Proceedings
Sutherland, M. (2011) "More Choices, More Chances" or are we entering an era of fewer choices, fewer chances? In: Forum for Access and Continuing Education (FACE) 2011 Annual Conference: Lifelong Learning and Community Development, 29 Jun-1 Jul 2011, Glasgow, UK.
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