Main profile
Summary biography:
Nematollah Azizi is currently Leverhulme Visiting Professor hosted by CR&DALL within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow. He is Professor of Educational Planning at the University of Kurdistan, Vice-President of the Iranian Association for Higher Education and President of the Iranian Association of Educational Management. He has been the UoK’s Vice-Chancellor for Research, the Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Director of Students Affairs, and the Director of Research Students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. He was founding convenor of the Department of Education and research and teaching group on Higher Education, Curriculum Studies within the department.
As a senior academic, having had opportunities to teach in multiple higher education systems including at the University of Kurdistan, the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland and ICD Paris Business School, he has gained extensive experience in working with highly culturally diversified student groups at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He has been responsible for redeveloping the PhD programme in Higher Education and Educational Management as well as many relevant Masters degrees.
In recent years, his research focus has been on internationalization of higher education and universities’ role in community engagement. He has been a principal investigator as well as collaborator in numerous internationally and nationally funded projects, including, recently, the British Academy Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)-funded project, Strengthening Urban Engagement of Universities in Asia and Africa.
During his period in senior administrative positions, he has demonstrated successful collaborative leadership and supervision skills, working with colleagues from diverse sociocultural backgrounds. In addition to his senior roles in the University of Kurdistan his international connectivity, rare amongst Iranian academics, has offered him some remarkable opportunities to enrich and deepen his professional proficiencies effectively, and to offer his expertise in higher education management and in strategies that enhance community engagement for diverse academic and student groups. He has been a visiting professor at University of Bath, University of Jyvaskyla, University of Gothenburg and University of Glasgow.
He has carried out a number of consultancies for regional, national and international agencies including the Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology, National Organization for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and Kurdistan Council of Education. He has been an adviser and evaluator of programmes at ministerial level as well as within a number of universities. He has been a keynote speaker and chairperson at many international events.
Finally, regarding the importance of serving local communities in order to help them to flourish and to be empowered, he has been engaged proactively in founding and directing a number of NGOs and charities in Kurdistan, including the Institute of Darolehsan, and the Students Fund. He also has offered numerous workshops and courses for disadvantaged groups and individuals particularly in informal settlement areas.
Staff Profile
- To examine the factors within universities that lead to successful knowledge exchange between universities and cities, in both Iran and the UK aligning these to the localisation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the influence of:
- national and regional policy frameworks
- economically and socially driven performance targets
- culture and spirituality
- university and urban structures for leadership
- the embeddedness of service to local communities within learning programmes
- mechanisms to promote engagement.
The core aim of the programme of work that he is undertaking from 2023 to 2024 at Glasgow is to enhance understanding of how universities can better contribute to sustainable economic, social and cultural development of their host cities through analysis of distinct approaches that have been taken in Iran in the context of Islamic thinking around culture and spirituality, identifying practices that are transferable to the UK. By contrast, the programme also seeks to explore potentially transferability of practices from the UK to Iran.
The specific objectives are as follows:
There will be particular attention given to what can be learnt and practiced by university academics, students and administrators at the University of Glasgow as they strive for more effective knowledge exchange with urban communities through assessing principles of teaching and learning, and of engagement from an Islamic perspective. There will be a particular effort given to approaches that will enhance engagement with Muslim communities in Glasgow, and that will make contributions to the university’s efforts in decolonialising the curriculum. Contributions will also be made to similar endeavours in community engaged research in other nations of the UK. Lessons learnt from UK practices will be analysed for potential transfer to Iran.
He is Professor of Educational Planning at the University of Kurdistan, Vice-President of the Iranian Association for Higher Education and President of the Iranian Association of Educational Management. He has been the UoK’s Vice-Chancellor for Research, the Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Director of Students Affairs, and the Director of Research Students in the Department of Education. He was founding convenor of the Department of Education and research and teaching group on Higher Education, Curriculum Studies within the department.
As a senior academic, having had opportunities to teach in multiple higher education systems including at the University of Kurdistan, the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland and ICD Paris Business School, he has gained extensive experience in working with highly culturally diversified student groups at undergraduate and postgraduate level. In addition to classroom instruction, he has longstanding experience in supervising student research at Masters and Doctoral level. Based on students’ evaluations, he has been awarded the “Excellent Teaching Award” for several semesters at the University of Kurdistan. He has been responsible for redeveloping the PhD programme in Higher Education and Educational Management as well as Masters degrees in Educational Planning, Educational Management, Curriculum Studies, and Education and Human Resources Improvement.
In recent years, his research focus has been on internationalization of higher education and universities’ role in community engagement. He has been a principal investigator as well as collaborator in numerous internationally and nationally funded projects, including, recently, the British Academy Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)-funded project, Strengthening Urban Engagement of Universities in Asia and Africa.
He has been the supervisor of three Postdoctoral Fellows, 15 PhD students in Higher Education and over 70 MA Students in Education, many undertaking inter-disciplinary studies in the fields of human capital development, and socio-cultural and urban studies.
His publications demonstrate that he has concentrated his work on emerging theoretical developments in higher education leadership, policies and practices, as well as new trends in business-higher education collaboration. Having been awarded research grants not only by national bodies, notably the Iranian Ministry of Higher Education, but also by international funders including the British Academy and the Academy of Finland is a strong indicator of his global reputation.
During his period in senior administrative positions, he has demonstrated successful collaborative leadership and supervision skills, working with colleagues from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds. In addition to his senior roles in the University of Kurdistan his international connectivity, rare amongst Iranian academics, has offered him some remarkable opportunities to enrich and deepen his professional proficiencies effectively, and to offer his expertise in higher education management and in strategies that enhance community engagement for diverse academic and student groups. He has been a visiting professor at University of Bath, University of Jyvaskyla, University of Gothenburg and University of Glasgow.
He has carried out a number of consultancies for regional, national and international agencies including the Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology, National Organization for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and Kurdistan Council of Education. He has been an adviser and evaluator of programmes at ministerial level as well as within a number of universities. He has been a keynote speaker and chairperson at many international events.
Finally, regarding the importance of serving local communities in order to help them to flourish and to be empowered, he has been engaged proactively in founding and directing a number of NGOs and charities in Kurdistan, including the Institute of Darolehsan, and the Students Fund. He also has offered numerous workshops and courses for disadvantaged groups and individuals particularly in informal settlement areas.
Selected Publications:
Books and Book Chapters
Azizi, N., Thang, P-O., & Nikounejad, S. (2021). Connecting higher education to industry: A critical reflection on Swedish and Iranian HE policies and practices. In C. Nägele, N. Kersh, & B. E. Stalder (Eds.), Trends in vocational education and training research, Vol. IV. Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET) (pp. 26–34). 5281/zenodo.517232
Azizi, N. (2020). A Refection on the Civic Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions towards Corona Pandemic. In H. Mirzaee (ed.) Notes on Higher Education, Science and the Corona Crisis in Iran. Tehran: Institute for Cultural and Social Studies, pp. 239-246.
Azizi, N. (2019). A Reflection on the Impacts of Staff’s International Academic Visits: Lessons Learnt from the University of Glasgow. In F. Asghari (Ed.), International experiences of Iranian academics (pp. 15-50). Tehran: Institute for Cultural and Social Studies.
Azizi, N. (ed.) (2019). The Need for Higher Education Reform in Iran. Tehran: Institute for Cultural and Social Studies. (2nd Edition).
Azizi, N. (2019). An Introduction to the Development of Higher Education in Iran: Focusing on the Humanities. Tehran: Institute for Cultural and Social Studies. (2nd Edition)
Azizi, N., Rigi, A., and Bazvand, M (2017). The Employability of Graduate Students: How Critical Thinking is Effectively Taught in Master Course. In: F. Kaiser and S. Krugmann (Eds.) Social Dimension and Participation in Vocational Education and Training. Rostock: University of Rostock, pp. 248-256.
Azizi, N. (2016). Research in Humanities and Social Sciences: Challenges and Solutions. Tehran: Institute for Cultural and Social Studies.
Azizi, N. (2015). People Skill Employment Towards Sustainable Employment: An Integrated and Community-oriented TVET Framework for Rural Areas in Iran. In M. Gessler and L. Freund (eds.) Crossing Boundaries in Vocational Education and Training: Innovative Concepts for the 21th Century. Bremen: University of Bremen, ITB. ISBN: 1861-6828
Azizi, N. (2009). Higher Education and the Learning Economy: Knowledge-based Economic and Industrial Systems' Expectation of Universities. In M. Yamani Doozi Sorkhabi (Ed.), New Approaches and Perspectives in Higher Education (pp. 395-436). Tehran: Institute for Cultural and Social Studies.
Azizi, N., & Lasonen, J. (2006). Education, Training and the Economy: Preparing Young People for a Changing Labour Market. Jyvaskyla: Jyvaskyla University Press.
Refereed Journal Articles
Keshavarzzadeh, A., Gholami, K., and Azizi, N. (2021). Development of a Conceptual Model of Lancaster and Kurt Rail Higher Education Branding (An Approach Based on Deductive Qualitative Content Analysis). Journal of Karafan, 18 (2), 265-290.
Nikounejad, S., Ghaderi, M., Azizi, N., Thång, P. O., and Neyestani, M. R. (2021). University-Industry Relationships in Iran and Sweden: A Critical Comparative Study. Iranian Journal of Comparative Education, 4(4), 1520-1549. DOI: 10.22034/IJCE.2020.251473.1225
Mohammadian Sharif, K., Salimi, K., Azizi, N., and Mohammadi, S. (2020). Structural Origins of the Academic Corruption in Higher Education in Iran. Journal of Educational Sciences, 27 (2), 159-182.
Rigi, A., Azizi, N., and Pourghaz, A. (2020). A Critical Analysis of External Factors Affecting World Rankings of Iranian Universities. Journal of Research in Educational Systems, 14 (49), 91-109.
Azizi, N., Fathi, H., and Hosseini, S. Z. (2020). A Phenomenological Analysis of the Principals and Teachers' Perceptions and Experiences of the School Management Excellence Program in Sanandaj Secondary Schools. Journal of School Administration, 8 (3), 239-273.
Saedmocheshi, L., and Azizi, N. (2020). Reflection on Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Policy Making in Iran’s Higher Education System. Journal of Macro and Strategic Policies, 8 (1), 166-184.
Mohammadizad, S., Azizi, N., and Salehi Omran, E. (2019). Comparative Analysis of the Polytechnic Approach in Iranian Higher Education with Selected Countries: A Comparative Study. Iranian Journal of Comparative Education, 2 (4), 495-517.
Darabi, S., Azizi, N., Salimi, J., and Shirbagi, N. (2019). Elements and Dimensions of Sustainability in Iran's Higher Education System, and Comparison of Public and Non-Governmental Academic Approaches. Iranian Journal of Educational Sociology, 2 (3), 12 26.
Azizi, N., Bolanhematan, K., and Saedi, P. (2019). Creativity Context and Factors in the Teaching of Creative Teachers in Kurdistan Rural Schools. Journal Research in Teaching, 7 (2), 88-114.
Ramazani, G., Azizi, N., and Shafiei, M. (2019). Market Orientation in Higher Education: An Analysis of the Role and Function of Marketing. Journal of Educational Planning Studies, 8 (1-2), 1-18.
Darabi, S., Azizi, N., and Salimi, J. (2019). A Reflection on Academic Sustainability Indicators: Analyzing the Views of Higher Education Policy Makers and Planners. Journal of Educational Planning Studies, 8 (1-2), 19-55.
Ramazani, G., Mehni, O., and Azizi, N. (2019). The Challenges of the Adult Education and Solutions for Improvement: Grounded Theory. Journal of Strategic Studies and Public Policy, 8 (4), 115-134.
Azizi, N., Jafari, P., Gholami, K., and Mohammadi, S. (2019). How teachers and school administrators of Kurdistan Province Perceive Teachers' Well-fare? Journal of School Administration, 6 (2), 211-230.
Shahmohammadi, A., Azizi, N., Taghipour, A., and Ebrahimzadeh, I. (2019). Designing and Validating Evaluation Model in Distance Education System (Case Study: Payame Noor University). Journal of Higher Education, 11 (1), 99-125.
Azizi, N., Amraeei, M. (2018). How Provided Technical and Vocational Training in Prison is Realized by Women prisoners in Sanandaj? Journal of Skill Training, 6 (23),73-94.
Azizi, N., Shirbagi, N., and Karimi, S. (2018). Examining the Training Quality of Key Skills in Sanandaj’s Technical and Vocational Schools. Journal of Karafan, 15 (1), 42-56.
Zarei, A., Mohd-Yusof, K., Fadzil Daud, M., and Azizi, N. (2017). Web 2.0 Applications for Engineering Education: Faculty Members’ Perception, Barriers, and Solutions. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 25, 449–457
Conference Papers
Azizi, N., Hussain Mustafa, A., and Alhaideri, I. O. I. (2021).Gender-based Empowerment Strategies: A Critical Evaluation of the Universities Psychological Counselling Services in Female Staff and Students Leadership Empowerment.Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2021).
Rigi, A., and Azizi, N. (2021). A Critical Analysis of Factors Affecting the Status of Iranian Higher Education in the World Rankings Systems. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2021).
Azizi, N. (2021). Obstacles to Web 2.0 Utilization in Iran’s Higher Education Context: A Reflection on the Lecturers' Perceptions and Experiences. Paper presented at IOSTE 2020 Symposium, Daegu, (South Korea) Feb 1-5, 2021.
Azizi, N., and Ramazani, G. (2019). The University’s Spin-Off Companies as Accelerators in the Economic Development: A Reflection on the Challenges and Obstacles. Paper presented at the SUEUAA Symposium, Harare 9-10 May 2019.
Azizi, N., and Azizi, A. (2018). Re-conceptualizing the Role of Skill Training in Socio-economic Development in Iran: How University of Technical and Vocational Education Makes Different? Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2018).
Ramazani, G., and Azizi, N. (2018). Identifying the Challenges of the Economy and the University’s Spin-Off Companies: Towards Reforming the University’s Policies and Strategies. International Conference on Policy Making in Higher education, Tehran: 26 April.
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